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1 Results For 'i dont no'


November 15, 2012 @ (world)

Tags: i dont no

okay so ive been dating this boy ramone since october 23rd nd its now november 15 kay yesterday at school it was lunch and i was outside with my friends and he comes outside and says olivia we need to talk. i was like oh shit so we walked away from my friends and he said to me , 'olivia i think we should split up' and like 5 seconds later i just said K pretending that i didnt care wen actually i did and he just walked away like nothing happened. So i turned around and went back to my frriends.. My eyes were all watery and my best friend taylor said r u okay? and i just hugged her and started to cry, nnd im friends with boys to so they were asking me wat happend and making me feel better. Telling me that im beautiful and that they dont want to see me cry and huggging me . That ramone dont deserve me and if he really cared he wouldnt of just walked away like that. So we went inside ate lunch and after everyone was done eating my friend ashton said olivia and i turned around and he said want to go out with me? And i was like awww yes, by the way he was making me feel better after ramone broke up with me, and gosh is he ever sweet. I love him so much.. And wen i got home i went on twitter and he was saying that he only broke up with me cuz ashton was always flirting with me and i flirted back.. Which is true cuuz ramones kinda shy so he barely talked to me , but ashton always talks to me. Anyways my name is oliviapickle13 on twitter so follow mee kbye


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